Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement
This statement made by Welspun UK Ltd., is for the year ending 31st March 2023
Opening Statement from Senior Management
Welspun UK is committed to ensuring that our business and supply chain reflects our values and respect for human rights. We are committed to combating and the prevention modern slavery and human trafficking in all our supply chains and within our UK operations.
All employees involved in the engagement of suppliers must communicate our approach to all prospective parties at the outset of our business relationship and monitor thereafter. We terminate our relationship with third parties engaged with us if they do not comply.
Welspun UK Ltd
Welspun UK Ltd is an importer, manufacturer, and distributor of textiles, specifically Bed Linens, flooring and Towels to the UK and European Markets Welspun UK has operations in and sources goods and services from the United Kingdom, India, China, Pakistan, Turkey, Portugal, Spain, and Denmark.
Our organisational structure and our business
Welspun UK Ltd is a leading multinational company whose core business is of sale and distribution of home textiles and furnishing goods, with the head office located in, Stockport, SK4 1BS. Welspun UK is governed by directors and various sub committees.
Our supply chains
Our key supply chains include procuring goods from the United Kingdom, India, China, Pakistan, Turkey, Portugal, Spain, and Denmark.
Risk Assessment and management
We have continued to improve our understanding of the modern slavery related risks faced by our business, and implemented further improvements to secure reduction of those risks.
Our policies in relation to slavery and human trafficking
Welspun UK is committed to combatting modern slavery and human trafficking, we have implemented the following policies:
- Ethics and Compliance Policy
It is the policy of Welspun UK to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the countries where Welspun UK conducts business.
- Code of conduct
- Whisle Blower Policy
- SEDEX membership
Our due diligence processes
In addition to SEDEX membership, which ensures transparency, Welspun UK Ltd has an established processes to vet potential and current suppliers for their involvement in modern slavery and human trafficking by: -
- Requiring an independent Ethical Audit such as SA8000, SMETA to be conducted on an annual basis. Welspun UK insists on reviewing the Corrective Action Reports for each of its suppliers
- On site visits on a two-yearly basis.
In both these processes, either our independent social auditor or Welspun UK Auditors, screening of suppliers for the presence of forced and child labour is conducted.
If we discover evidence of slavery or human trafficking with one of our suppliers through these processes, we will refrain from doing business with this supplier and will report such conduct to the relevant authorities, as appropriate. Indeed, we will not deal with any company that does not have a current independent social audit report and corrective action plan.
Looking ahead
The Company will continue its practices in respect of combatting slavery or human trafficking to target areas of its business where there is a potential risk of modern slavery.
We shall continue to measure our effectiveness by: -
- Ensuring there are Independent Ethical Audits or Social certification for every factory / supplier otherwise, we will not engage the business relationship
- Ensuring corrective actions identified in audits are addressed by the suppliers.
- Assessing feedback from factory visits by Welspun UK Ltd Staff or agents and taking appropriate actions were required.
This statement is pursuant to section 54(1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Welspun UK Ltd slavery and human trafficking statement for the fiscal year ending 31st March 2023.
This statement is regularly reviewed and approved by Board of directors.